United Way is partnering with Warsaw Schools to launch START UNITED, a summer experience for 1,000 children who need a boost before the first day of school. This partnership provides an on-ramp for students who need to regain any momentum that has been lost since March. Routine is so important for kids. It gives them the security they need to explore and take risks. United Way is ready to take the first step in helping our kids reset their routines.
Read United matches volunteers with a classroom where they will share stories via Zoom call. United Way provides books and prompt cards. Volunteers read once a week for 15 minutes for 3 weeks. 100 volunteers are needed. Sign up at United Way’s website, https://www.unitedwaykosciusko.org/
Registration deadline is July 19th. #ForwardTogether #wcsmission #STARTUNITED

WSBT22 @LaurenBeckerTV visited Lakeview Middle School today to learn more about the upcoming START UNITED partnership between United Way of Kosciusko County and WCS.
Tune in today at 4 pm and again at 5 pm to hear from JoElla Hauselman and Darren Bickel as WSBT features the preschool-5th grade START UNITED summer school to set WCS students up for success!
Check out https://www.unitedwaykosciusko.org to help build a Ready-to-Go bag, join READ UNITED, or make a donation.
#STARTUNITED #ForwardTogether #wcsmission

July 6, 2020: Return to School Part III
Please join Dr. Hoffert as he welcomes WCS students back to school for Summer Session II hosted at Edgewood. Dr. Hoffert speaks with Mark Fick, Director of Transportation, about the safety protocols on school buses. Thanks to all leaders, teachers, bus drivers, parents, and students for a successful launch today. It was great to see students and teachers back together in the classroom!
#ForwardTogether #wcsmission
ALL Registration Links Here: https://linktr.ee/warsawschools

Happy 4th of July! Enjoy your summer celebrations...we’ll see you in 45 days
Find ALL Links Here: https://linktr.ee/warsawschools
#wcsmission #ForwardTogether

F.A.O. WCS Returning Students
Dr. David Hoffert will send out a message to all WCS families with a reminder to REGISTER on Powerschool to help WCS with staffing and class sizes.
ALL Registration Links Here: https://linktr.ee/warsawschools
#wcsmission #ForwardTogether

2020-2021 School Start / End Times
Claypool, Leesburg, Madison (9:20 am - 4:00 pm)
Eisenhower, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington (9:10 am - 3:50 pm)
Harrison (9:10 am - 3:55 pm)
Lakeview Middle School (7:45 am - 2:55 pm)
Edgewood Middle School (7:50 am - 3:00 pm)
WCHS (7:55 am - 3:06 pm)
#wcsmission #ForwardTogether
Registration: https://sites.google.com/warsawschools.org/forwardtogether/registration

Lakeview and Edgewood
Cheer Try outs
July 8th 6 p.m.-8 p.m. at the T-rac (field house) at the high school.
July 11th (final try out) 9a.m.-12 p.m. at the high school. (Enter at door 22)
Questions to: kdoty@warsawschools.org
#wcsmission #ForwardTogether

WCS CTO, Brad Hagg, was selected as a featured guest for Toggle Magazine. Because of this foresight, Hagg and his team were quickly able to respond when COVID-19 changed everything!
Read the Full Article: https://bit.ly/HaggToggle
#ForwardTogether #wcsmission

WCS is getting ready for August 18th.
As we all think about the RETURN to SCHOOL, here’s a reminder about the time change.
Tune in tonight to watch an interview with Dr. Hoffert on WCS Later Start Times.
WSBT 22 Monday, June 22 at 6 pm and 10 pm +
Wed. June 24

Tiger Basketball will be hosting camps in July. Click on the link for information on dates and for signing up. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Coach Matt Moore by phone or email. 5il.co/hecg

As the temps rise, be sure to stay safe this weekend! #firstdayofsummer

#ForwardTogether #wcsmission
Part II: Return to School. Join Dr. Hoffert & Mike Castle talks about WCS is doing to prepare schools for August 18th. What is a Kaivac?
WCS YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/QxMW-HlntXU
Register Today: ttps://bit.ly/WCSRegisterToday

Part I: Return to School. Join Dr. Hoffert and Mike Castle to learn more about what WCS is doing to prepare our schools for August 18th. Join us again for Part II tomorrow. #ForwardTogether #wcsmission

Wednesday, June 17, 2020: Happy Warsaw Wednesday. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
Online Registration is OPEN.
Do you have a child entering Kindergarten? New to the District? Returning Student?
Register Today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020: Happy Warsaw Wednesday. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
Online Registration is OPEN.
Do you have a child entering Kindergarten? New to the District? Returning Student?
Register Today.